Legal warning

The use of the information contained in this website implies acceptance and consent in the terms and conditions that are detailed in this legal notice.

The person responsible for this website is the Consorci Administración Oberta de Catalunya (Consorci AOC), with NIF Q0801175A, and located at C/ Salvador Espriu 45-51 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (tel. 93 272 25 00).

Everyone who accesses this website assumes the role of user, committing to strict observance and compliance with the provisions set out here, as well as any other legal provisions that apply to them.

The AOC Consortium has the right to modify the information that appears on this web page, without the obligation to notify users of the new obligations - with the exception of the commitments assumed under specific agreements - understanding - its publication on the website is considered sufficient.

The information and contents related to the action and functions of the AOC Consortium, which are included in this website, are subject to the following forecasts:

The AOC Consortium works to ensure that the information, content and services offered or disseminated on this website sufficiently comply with the necessary integrity, veracity, updating, accessibility and usability. For this purpose, the date of updating of each of the contents indicated in each case must be taken into account.

The website offers information, advice, guides and other content prepared by the AOC Consortium for the purposes of dissemination, information, awareness and in certain cases the provision of specific electronic administration services. The user is informed that all these contents, despite being prepared with the highest possible level of quality, cannot at any time imply specific advice in technological and/or legal matters or be considered as actions aimed at solving problems specific In any case, the AOC Consortium reserves the right to modify, delete, develop or update them unilaterally without prior notification and without assuming any responsibility.

Automated Translations:

The AOC Consortium offers the automatic translation of the contents of its website in languages ​​other than Catalan in order to make it easier for citizens to understand the text in their own language.

However, automatically translated articles may contain material errors that the AOC Consortium is not responsible for. At present, the AOC Consortium only guarantees the accuracy of the contents in the Catalan language.

The website of the AOC Consortium contains references or links to third party websites ("links"), most of them are to Internet pages of other public administrations, which have been considered of interest to users .

In the event that the website is abandoned, the AOC Consortium does not assume any responsibility arising from the connection or content of third-party links. However, links to other pages are periodically reviewed to avoid the inclusion of links that do not comply with data protection regulations, as well as other current regulations. In this sense, the Consortium states that if any content that may contravene national or international law, or public order, is detected, the link will be removed immediately, informing the competent authorities.

El Consorci AOC no es fa responsable de la informació i continguts emmagatzemats, a títol enunciatiu però no limitatiu, en els fòrums, blocs, comentaris en xarxes socials, o qualsevol altre mitjà del Consorci AOC que permeti a tercers publicar continguts de forma independent. No obstant, en compliment de l’article 11 i 16 de la LSSICE, es posa a disposició de totes les persones usuàries, autoritats i forces de seguretat, per col·laborar de forma activa en la retirada o, en el seu cas, bloqueig de tots aquells continguts que poguessin afectar o contravenir la legislació nacional, o internacional, drets de tercers o la moral i l’ordre públic. En el cas que qualsevol persona usuària consideri que existeix en el lloc web algun contingut que pugui ser susceptible de l’anterior classificació, es sol·licita que ho comuniqui de forma immediata a l’adreça de correu electrònic

The AOC Consortium facilitates the free and free consultation of the information contained on the website and authorizes the total or partial reproduction of its contents, as long as the said contents are preserved intact, the source and the date on which it has been cited made the copy, do not manipulate or alter the contents and do not use it directly for commercial purposes (Law 37/2007, of November 16, on the reuse of public sector information).

The AOC Consortium authorizes the free download of the manuals, forms, programs and informative publications that are included in its web, for the purposes of its reproduction and distribution, unless expressly stated otherwise.

However, in certain cases, the AOC Consortium may explicitly state that express authorization is required. Likewise, re-use may be limited by the protection of other priority legal assets, such as the protection of personal data, privacy or third-party intellectual protection rights.

The domain of this website is the property of the AOC Consortium, as well as the intellectual property rights, its design and the codes it contains, unless otherwise stated.

The use of distinctive brands or logos, logos and symbols of any nature owned by the AOC Consortium, in any publications and websites that are not of the entities that are participating or sponsored by this Consortium, is not authorized under any circumstances knowledge and the corresponding authorization of the AOC Consortium.

The AOC Consortium will not assume any responsibility arising from the use by third parties of the content of this website and may exercise all civil or criminal actions that correspond to it in the event of infringement of these rights by the user .

This information is contained in the Cookies Policy of the AOC Consortium.

The law applicable in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms in accordance with this Legal Notice, as well as any aspect related to the services of this website, will be Spanish law.

Possible disputes relating to this website will be governed exclusively by Spanish law, with the courts of Barcelona having sole jurisdiction. All users of the website, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction from which their access occurs, accept compliance with and respect for this clause with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may apply.

If any part or clause of these Conditions is declared null or void by a court decision, the remaining stipulations will remain valid.